Classic Car Club Parking at the Kirkland Concours
Classic Car Club Parking at the Kirkland Concours
Classic Car Club Parking at the Kirkland Concours
Seattle Jaguar Club Parking at the Kirkland Concours.
D-type and Lightweight E-type
Lightweight E-type's dataplate.
Lightweight E-type's dataplate.
Lightweight's engine
Lucas Fuel Injection
Lightweight E-type interior.
Engine of the lightweight E-type. Note the wide angle head and Lucas Fuel Injection system.
Bonnet of the Lightweight E-type.
Exhaust side of the engine bay... note the HUGE oil sump.
Lightweight's wheel.
One of the few modifications made: a massive fuel cell.
The two stock E-types: a 67 FHC and a 66 OTS.
SS100's dataplate.
SS100's engine bay.
SS100. This the first one I can recall seeing in the flesh. Very nice.
A funky post-war aluminum Bentley with a supercharged straight-eight.
The bentley from the rear.
The Bentley's interior.