The patient awaits surgery. You can see part of the block & tackle setup holding my bonnet upright.
nice view
Passenger side of the steering rack.
Driver's side of the steering rack. This is the side with the broken mount.
Lotta bugs in the teeth there.
a shot of my alternator wiring so I remember to put it back correctly!
The big empty spot where the rack was. The new mounts are in place.
We only had to remove the radiator fan, not the whole radiator thankfully.
Another view.
The rack, off the car and on the bench.
There is a bit of free play on the passenger side. Oh well... off to Terry's for a rebuild.
Getting ready to put the rack back in. It was shipped from Terry's Jaguar in the big cardboard box in the lower left.
Nice rack! On the work bench. I had noted the dimensions of the rack and tie rod ends before shipping it off to Illinois for the rebuild. Here I put the tie rod ends back on as close to where they were before.
The new mounts. That short bolt in the middle of the frontmost mount is the one that gave me the most trouble once the rack went in.
The rack back in the car. Not all the way bolted on yet though.
Rack in, radiator fan back on, alternator on, wheels on... getting ready to put the bonnet back on.